Monday, August 26, 2013

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages Biography

Source:- ( 

A wise physician said
"The best medicine for human is LOVE"
Someone asked 'What if it doesn't work?'
He smiled and answered increase the DOSE

Dnt use ur blanket just think @ my love it will warm u ,
dnt use pillow just think @ my handz it will trap ur head ,
dnt cloz ur mouth i will be kissing u all night
Good Night, I Love you

When someone loves us
we don't feel the pain of love
We simply enjoy their care.
When we love someone
We feel the pain
Try to prove our care.

One day Friendship &
Love met one-another.

Love asked Friendship -
"Why do You exist if
I'm there?"

So Friendship said -
"To give a Smile to those
eyes in which You
leave Tears."

See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B'coz last night
I told them to wish U GooD Morning.

Having a BoyFriend or GirlFriend is not LOVE
Having someone in your life on whom
You have blind faith that
Even if you hurt them to the extreme
They will still hold your hand & say
"I was, I am, n I will ALWAYS be yours..."
That's Love, That's Life

Whats missing in H__RT? EA or U?
Pick EA & youll get a heart!
If u pick U, you will get hurt!
Id pick U coz its better to get hurt,
Than have a heart without U.

Every Girls Dream..
1.Getting Kissed In The Pouring Rain.
2.Have The Hot Kiss Where You're Pressed Against The Wall.
3.Have The Guy That Thinks You Are The World.
4.Have A Good Guy That Holds On As Long As Possible When Giving Hugs.
5.A Guy That Whispers He Loves You In Your Ears.
6.Have That Moment Where You Just Gaze Into Each Others Eyes.
7.When You Cry, He Kisses Your Tears Away.
8.When Your Not With Your Guy He's All That You Can Think About.
9.Wearing His Jacket Or His Sweatshirt And Every time You Breath In His Scent Surrounds You.
10.A Guy Who Will Watch Any Movie With You No Matter How Teary Eyed You May Get.

"Value of relation"
is not that how much you feel happy with some one . .
But it is that
how much some one feels ALONE without you!

SWEETHEART, is a special word for LOVE,
LOVE, is special word for CARE,
CARE, is special word for FRIEND,
FRIEND, is special word for... 'YOU"

~Cute Relationship~
When Someone Gets Angry With You
And Says...
I Will Never Talk To You... :(
And Later Comes Back To Inform

New day new blessing.
Don’t let yesterdays failures
ruin the beauty of today,

because each day has its own
promise of love, joy, forgiveness…..

Good Morning…

Whenever you MISS me don’t look for ME in your DREAM
Don’t try to hear my VOICE in your MOBILE
Just put your right hand in your HEART and you will FEEL me in your Heart Beat

I feel something in my heart, 
it's like a little flame, 
every time I see you, 
this flame lights up, 
this flame is special for you, 
because I LOVE YOU!

A candle may melt
and its fire may die,
but the friendship you have given me
will always stay as a flame in my heart.

I don't care if its a day or a bad night,
I just want to hold you close to me tight,
coz for you there is nothing I can't do,
and all I wanna say is that I love you,
just let me hold you close to me,
so my heart and soul can be happy,
and if you'll hear every beat of my heart,
it says I'll love you till death do us apart...!!

If ur Asking If I Need U The Ansr Is 4Ever
If ur Askin If Ill Leave U The Ansr Is Nevr
If ur Askin Wat I Value The Ansr Is U
If ur Askin If I Luv U The Ansr Is I Do…

Every time ur at my sight ,
u luk a little more bright .
somethime the moon shies ,
and hids somewhere in the sky .
but wat is there to do ?
i can hardly breath when ur in front of me .
not a day go by ,
that i havent thought of u.

Life is very short,
so break silly rules.
Forgive quickly,
Believe slowly,
Love truly,
Laugh loudly &
Never avoid anything that makes you smile..

I m feeling so happy, do u know why?
cuz i m so lucky, do u know how?
cuz God loves me.Do u know how? 
cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what?
Its YOU my love.

Someone Said To God,"I Hate Life"
God Said,who Told U To Love The Life?
Just Love The Person Who Loves U And
The Life Itself Will Be Lovable!!!!

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

Sms Love Messages

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